Starting points and references

Specific Topics to initiate discussion.

The following topics will serve only as starting points to encourage and catalyze discussions and interactions among participants.

  • Obesity The growing problem of obesity worldwide calls for innovative approaches to reduce major risk factors such as physical inactivity at the population level. Principles of ambient/environmental persuasion together with activity monitoring sensors could be combined into effective tools.
  • Depression and Anxiety as Co-morbidities. Quite apart from being chronic mental health illnesses per se, Depression, and Anxiety, are often present as comorbidities in chronic conditions like Diabetes, stroke, and those undergoing cancer treatment. The proposed laboratory can undertake large scale studies using mobile technology integrated with microlocation systems (Beacons) to identify patients’ movements within their homes and interactions with family members. Analysis of these patterns can uncover the presence of Depression and Anxiety and lead to early interventions. These interventions can include not only medication but also behavioral therapies such as mindfulness, meditations and similar that can be provided by means of mobile augmented reality systems to be developed and tested in the proposed Laboratory. These behavioral therapies fall within persuasive technology principles called Simulation and rehearsal.
  • Rural and Global Health: Designing mobile systems technologies integrated with mobile sensors, based upon principles of Persuasive systems to enhance the care-giving performance of rural and community health workers in the US, and global health contexts is also a major focus of the Laboratory. In rural areas of the US and in developing countries of South America, Africa, and Asia, Community Health workers (CHWs) are the only healthcare providers for hundreds of millions. Mobile health tools, of the kind to be developed and tested in the proposed laboratory can greatly aid CHWs, improve their performance and improve outcomes. Studies in Colombia and rural South India [21-24],   have shown that the use of media-rich mobile health tools designed according to Persuasive design principles can decrease errors by 35% (p < 0.05) increase protocol compliance by 30% (p <0.05), decrease perceived workload, and are rated very high with respect to usability and acceptability by CHWs and patients.
  • Diabetes: Currently the increasing prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes is of great public health concern, especially with respect to minority populations. Systems consisting of a mobile app integrated with medical sensors such as glucometers, wearable physical activity monitors, and beacons could be very useful to diabetic patients if its design were to be based on principles from Persuasive Technology [1-4], ambient persuasion and research by urban planners/architects on design of spaces that enhance healthy behaviors   [28-31].  Such a system could serve as a Care Management Companion (CMC) to the patient.
  • Low educational attainment and socio-economic status constitute serious barriers to patient self-management and health literacy across all manner of health conditions. What is the role of media-rich mobile apps as well as augmented and virtual reality to assist such populations?


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  2. Oinas-Kukkonen H, Harjumaa M.(2009) Persuasive systems design: Key issues, process model, and system features. Communications of the Association for Information Systems 2009;24:485-500.
  3. Iyengar, MS.(2013) Applications of Persuasive Technology to Encourage Healthy Behaviors. Invited panel presentation, AMIA Annual Conference 2013, Washington, DC
  4. Iyengar, MS, Florez-Arango, JF. (2010) Persuasive Aspects of a rich-media mobile health system. Persuasive2010, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2010
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  7. Myneni, S., Iyengar, S., Cobb, N. K., & Cohen, T. (2013). Identifying Persuasive Qualities of Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Online Social Networks in Public Health. In Persuasive Technology (pp. 155-160). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
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  14. Xu A, Chomutare T, Iyengar MS.(2014) Persuasive Attributes of Medication Adherence Interventions for Older Adults: a Systematic Review, Technol Health Care. Jan 1;22(2):189-98.
  15. Xu, A., Chomutare, T., Iyengar, MS.(2014) Systematic Review of Behavioral Obesity Interventions and Their Persuasive Qualities, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Persuasive Technology. (2014) Springer.
  16. Pinzon, OE, Iyengar, MS, (2012). Persuasive Technology And Mobile Health: A Systematic Review. Poster presentation. Persuasive 2012 Copenhagen, June 2012.
  17. Ory MG, Jordan P, and Bazzarre T. Behavioral Change Consortium: Setting the Stage for a New Century of Health Behavior Change Research. Health Educ Res. 2002;17(5):500-511.
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  19. Hong Y, Goldberg D, Vollmer Dahlke D, Ory MG, Cargill JS, Coughlin R, Hernandez E, Kellstedt D, and Peres SC. Testing Usability and Acceptance of iCANFIT, A Web Application To Promote Physical Activity Among Older Adults. JMIR Human Factors. 2014.DOI.10.2196/humanfactors.3787
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  1. Iyengar, MS, Florez-Arango, JF, Reducing Errors in Community Health Workers Using Rich media Structured Guidelines on Cell Phones. Invited Presentation. Foundation of the National Institutes of Health  mHealth Summit, Washington DC, October 2009.
  1. Florez-Arango, MF, Iyengar, MS, Dunn, K, Zhang, J. Performance factors of mobile rich media job aids for community health workers. JAMIA 2011;18:131-137
  2. Iyengar, MS, Florez-Arango, JF (2013) , Decreasing workload among community health workers using interactive structured rich media guidelines on smartphones. Technology and Healthcare, 1;21(2):113-23
  3. Gautham, M, Iyengar, MS, Johnson C, (2014) Mobile Phone Clinical Guidance for Rural Health Providers in India. Health Informatics J. 2014 Mar 12. [Epub ahead of print]
  4. JT McDowell, Evaluation of Special Operations Forces Medical Handbook Content in a Phone-based Decision Support Application as an Operational Clinical Support Tool. Report prepared for S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command Fort Detrick, Maryland 21702-5012, Nov 5, 2011.
  5. Mier N, Irizarry D, Smith ML, Carrillo-Zuniga C, Lee C, Trevino L, and Ory MG (2013). Bridging Research and Policy to Address Childhood Obesity among Border Hispanics: A Pilot Study. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, S208–S214.
  6. Hoelscher DM, Ory MG, Dowdy D, Evans AE, Menendez TE, Nichols D, Wang S, Lee C, Mao J (in press). Effects of Funding Allocation for Safe Routes to School Programs on Active Commuting to School, and Related Behavioral, Knowledge and Psychosocial Outcomes: Results from the Texas Childhood Obesity Prevention Policy Evaluation (T-COPPE). Environment & Behavior.
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  9. Lu W, McKyer L, Lee C, Goodson P, Ory MG and Wang S (2014). Perceived Barriers to Children’s Active Commuting to School: A Systematic Review of Empirical, Methodological and Theoretical Evidence. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 11:140. DOI: 10.1186/s12966-014-0140-x
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