Funding Sources

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2 R01CA143811-06 (PI: Walker) 01/25/2010-06/30/2020 (Renewal) 1.2 CM
Tumor Suppressor Localization and Function at the Peroxisome
The overarching hypothesis of this proposal is that the peroxisome is an important site for functional interaction between the TSC and ATM tumor suppressors, and that this interaction plays a key role in maintaining peroxisomal homeostasis by regulating selective autophagy of peroxisome (pexophagy).

5 P50 CA098258 (PI: Lu) 09/01/2003-08/31/2015 1.2 CM
MD Anderson Cancer Center Gynecologic Cancer SPORE for Uterine Cancers
The goal of the Uterine SPORE is to conduct innovative translational research for the prevention and treatment of uterine tumors. It is the goal of Project 1 to develop novel strategies for the chemoprevention of endometrial cancer in obese, insulin-resistant women, a high risk cohort.
Dr. Walker’s role on the project: Co-Principal Investigator Project 1

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1P30ES023512-01 (PI: Walker) 06/05/2014-03/31/2018 3.0 CM
Center for Translational Environmental Health Research The goal of this project is to promote integrated translational research, and catalyze interdisciplinary research in human environmental health. As a Core Center of NIEHS, the mission is to improve our understanding of environmental influences on human health by integrating basic, biomedical and engineering research across translational boundaries from the laboratory to the clinic and the community and back.

5 R01 ES023206-03 (PI: Walker) 09/01/2013-05/31/2017
3 R01 ES023206-03S1 (PI: Walker) 06/01/2015-05/31/2017
Epigenetic Programmers Targeted During Developmental Reprogramming
The goal of this application is to fill these knowledge gaps with a detailed mechanistic understanding of how EDCs utilize pre-genomic signaling to disrupt the epigenome, and to better understand how this developmental reprogramming alters metabolic “set-points” in the liver to promote obesity.

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DP150086 (PI: Walker) 12/01/2014 – 11/30/2017 1.2 CM
Therapeutic Targeting of Skp2/Ck1 to Restore Nuclear p27
The Goal of this application is to identify two lead compounds that can be moved into preclinical drug development to treat EndoCa and other p27-deficient cancers.