Johnny Yoon

REGULAR: Monday 12-1

Time Sheet


  • 12/12 is last day
  • start back in the spring, 1 day/week (~5h. not sure which day yet. will report via email by 1/9. coming back week of the 19th.)

Class Final: PPIRL research

  • by 12/17: submit drafts of final deliverables
  • You may submit a draft a week before for feedback.
  • Flow diagram **Main
  • make two display versions.
  • db & record lable
  • make dataset with interesting examples (cover all possibility)

Class midterm: PPIRL research

  • by 10/31: submit mid drafts of final deliverables
  • Flow diagram **Main
  • make two display versions.
  • db & record lable
  • make dataset with interesting examples (cover all possibility)



Data Science Class Task

  • Finish PHPM 677 class website (email necessary things to finish)
  • PHPM 631 Syllabus
  • Lecture 1 & 2 ppt

Data Science Class Task

  • Task 1 – change Diff for regnum only
    • you are not allowed to see the full number.
    • These two numbers has more than 3 digits diff.
  • Task 2 – change fname & lname
    • two layered for —d– : one more clickable cell inside a clickable cell
  • Task3 – Add top contents (Math stuffs)
    • total priv budjet (count how many clickable cells)
    • info disclosed (how many are opened): start at 0
  • Task4 – link
    • Yes / No / Unknown column
    • Save column
    • csv file
  • Task5 – page number
    • separate the table by # per page, and make navigation
  • When you have time
    • if opened,
    • it should have a way to close back

PPIRL research class

  • [Kum] : Final Project
  • Look at the website and if something is missing, add to above.
  • Read the assignment carefully, upload supplementary things.
  • If there are papers (Required Readings), find the link. (be careful about copyright)
  • CSS for students (less boring, softer).

Mid term stuff to do when time permits

  • [Date Entered: Date Completed] Item 1


    • [Due by 9/29: t1,2]
      • add row numbers
      • make each cell clickable: when clicked, pop up messaged with row number and fname
      • display row number and variable name in the cell
  • RA: SAS
    • [9/26] lesson 2 complete (submit lab 2 & assign2)


    • [Due by 9/19] Display first 10 obs
  • RA: SAS
    • [9/19] lesson 1 complete (submit lab 1 & assign1. write up lesson 1


    • Display first 10 obs
  • RA: SAS
    • [completed?] set up to start assignment next week