Datamining and Data Analysis Peer-Reviewed Journal and Conference Articles:
- Kum, H.C., Krishnamurthy A., Machanavajjhala A., Reiter M., and Ahalt S. Privacy Preserving Interactive Record Linkage (PPIRL). J Am Med Inform. Assoc. 2014;21:212–220. doi:10.1136/amiajno-2013-002165
- Kum, H.C., Krishnamurthy A., Machanavajjhala A., and Ahalt S. Social Genome: Putting Big Data to Work for Population Informatics. IEEE Computer Special Outlook Issue. Jan 2014. p. 56-63.
- Bauer, R., Kum, H.C., and Reiter, M. Protecting Personal Information with Secure Execution Technology, American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) 2013 Annual Symposium.
- Kum, H.C., Krishnamurthy A., Pathak, D., Reiter M., and Ahalt S. Secure Decoupled Linkage (SDLink) System for Building a Social Genome. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, pp.7-11, 6-9 Oct. 2013.
- Stewart, C. J., Kum, H. C., Barth, R. P., and Duncan, D. F. Former Foster Youth: Employment Outcomes upto age 30. Children and Youth Services Review. Vol 36. Jan 2014. pp220-229
- Rajasekar A., Kum, H.C., Crosas M., et al. The DataBridge, Science Journal. ASE. Nominated for best paper award at ASE/IEEE International conf. on Big Data 2013.
- Kum, H.C., and Ahalt, S. 2011. “Decoupled Data for Privacy Preserving Record Linkage with Error Management”, IEEE SocialComp 2011 Workshop on Security and Privacy in Social Networks, MIT Boston.
- Cheng, W., Ni, X., Sun, J., Jin, X., Kum, H.C., Zhang, X. and Wang, W. 2011. “Measuring Opinion Relevance in Latent Topic Space”, IEEE SocialComp 2011, MIT Boston.
- Barth, R. P., Duncan, D. F., Hodorowicz, M.T., and Kum, H.C., “Felonious Arrests of Former Foster Care and TANF-Involved Youth,” Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 1:pp 104-123, 2010.
- J.H. Chang, and Kum, H.C., “Frequency-based load shedding over a data stream of tuples,” Information Sciences, Jan 2009 online. doi= 10.1016/j.ins.2009.01.014.
- Kum, H.C., Chang, J. H., and Wang, W., “Benchmarking the Effectiveness of Sequential Pattern Mining Methods,” Data & Knowledge Engineering, 60(1):pp30-50, Jan 2007.
- Kum, H.C., Chang, J. H., and Wang, W., “Intelligent Sequential Pattern Mining via Alignment: Optimization Techniques for Very Large Databases,” Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 4426 (PAKDD 2007), pp. 587–597. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2007
- Kum, H.C., Chang, J. H., and Wang, W., “Sequential Pattern Mining in Multi-Databases via Multiple Alignment,” Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 12(2-3): pp151-180, May 2006.
- Kum, H.C., Paulsen, S., and Wang, W., “Comparative Study of Sequential Pattern Mining Models,” Foundations of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 6 (ICDM workshop on FDM) Lin, T.Y.; Ohsuga, S.; Liau, C.-J.; Hu, X.T.; Tsumoto, S. (Eds.) pp43-70, 2005.
- Kum, H.C., J. Pei, W. Wang, and D. Duncan, “ApproxMAP: Approximate Mining of Consensus Sequential Patterns,” Proc. of the 3rd SIAM Intl. Conf. on Data Mining, May 2003.
- L. Nyland, J. Prins, R. H. Yun, J. Hermans, H.C. Kum, & L. Wang., “Modeling Dynamic Load Balancing in Molecular Dynamics to Achieve Scalable Parallel Execution,” IRREGULAR, pp356-365, 1998.
- L. Nyland, J. Prins, R. H. Yun, J. Hermans, H.C. Kum, & L. Wang, “Achieving Scalable Parallel Molecular Dynamics Using Dynamic Spatial Domain Decomposition Techniques,” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, V47, pp127-138, 1997.
Government Information Systems Peer-Reviewed Journal and Conference Articles:
- Kum, H.C., Duncan, D.F., & Stewart, C. J., “Supporting Self-Evaluation in Local Government via KDD,” Government Information Quarterly: Building the Next-Generation Digital Government Infrastructures, 26(2):pp 295-304, April 2009.
- Duncan, D.F., Kum, H.C., Weigensberg, E. C., Flair, K.A., & Stewart, C. J., “Informing Child Welfare Policy and Practice: Using Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Technology via a Dynamic Web Site,” Child Maltreatment, 13(4):pp 383-391, Nov 2008.
- Kum, H.C., D. Duncan, K. Flair, and W. Wang, “Successfully Adopting IT for Social Welfare Program Management,” Proc of the 4th National Conf on Digital Gov’t Res.(DGO 2004), May 2004.
- Kum, H.C., Dean Duncan, and Wei Wang, “Understanding Social Welfare Service Patterns Using Sequential Analysis,” Proc of the 4th National Conf on Digital Gov’t Res.(DGO 2004), May 2004.
- Kum, H.C., D. Duncan, K. Flair, and W. Wang, “Social Welfare Program Administration and Evaluation and Policy Analysis Using Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) on Administrative Data,” Proc. of the 3rd Nat’l Conf. on Digital Government Res, May 2003.
- D. Duncan, K. Flair, R. Hallberg, H.C. Kum, S. Muller, “Developing a Dynamic Web Site for Public Policy Data using SAS/IntrNet®,” SUGI , 2000.
Datamining and Data Analysis Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations:
- Kum, H. C., Barth, R., Stewart, C. J., Lee, C. K. (2012). Coming of Age: Employment Outcomes for Youth Who Age Out of Foster Care Through Their Middle to Late Twenties. The SSWR 16th Annual Conference. Jan 2012.
- Kum, H. C. (2011). An Effective Model for Using Administrative Data to Inform Social Services Policy, Practice, and Management. The SSWR 15th Annual Conference: Emerging Horizon for Social Work Research. Jan 2011.
- Kum, H.C., Duncan, D.F., Bowers, H., & Cambridge, D., “Linking across multiple databases with less than perfect data,” The 12th National Child Welfare Data & Technology Conference (NRC-CWDT), June 2009.
- Duncan, D.F., Kum, H.C., & Barth, R., “Employment and Felonious Arrests of Former Foster Care Youth,” The 11th National Child Welfare Data and Technology Conference (NRC-CWDT), July 2008.
- Macomber J., McDaniel, M., Cuccaro-Alamin S., and Kum, H.C., “Linking Child Welfare & Employment Data: Assessing Extended Outcomes for Youth Aging Out of Foster Care,” The 10th National Child Welfare Data and Technology Conference (NRC-CWDT), July 2007.
- Duncan, D.F., Flair, K.A., Kum, H.C., “NC Food Stamp Website – A County Tool for Targeting Underserved Populations,” The 47th Annual National Association for Welfare Research and Statistics Workshop and Conference (NAWRS), 2007.
- D. Duncan, A. Dyke, M. Dylan, Kum, H.C., and N. S. Park, “Do Welfare Recipients Really Vote With Their Feet:Intrastate Migration and Welfare Reform in North Carolina,” The annual meeting of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM), Nov 2000.
- H.C. Kum, and Prasun Dewan, “Supporting Real-Time Collaboration Over Wide Area Networks,” CSCW 2000 Video Program, 2000.
Government Information Systems Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations and Demonstrations:
- Kum, H. C., Moore, T. D. , Stewart, C. J., & Dineen, M. (2012). Decision Support Systems and Informatics for Child Welfare Administrative Data to Inform Practice and Policy. The 18th Nat’l Conf on Child Abuse and Neglect, Celebrating the Past ~ Imagining the Future. Apr 2012.
- Moore, T. D., Kum, H. C., Stewart, C. J., Smith, S., Staysa, M. J., Dineen, M. (2012). Building Capacity for Child Welfare Research Through Improving Data Infrastructure and Culture Around Data Usage . The SSWR 16th Annual Conference. Jan 2012.
- H.C. Kum Meyer, D. Ahn, H., Rolock, N., Gabel, G. “Roundtable on Building and Maintaining An Effective Information System of Administrative Data at Universities in Partnership with State Agencies,” Annual Conference on Society for Social Work and Research., Jan 2011.
- H.C. Kum. “An Effective Model for Using Administrative Data to Inform Social Services policy, Practice, and Management,” Annual Conference on Society for Social Work and Research., Jan 2011.
- Kum, H.C., Duncan, D.F., & Flair, K.A., “A Dynamic Website for County Level Child Welfare Outcome Measures,” Proc. of the 9th Nat’l Conf. on Digital Gov’t Res (DGO), May 2008.
- Duncan, D.F., Kum, H.C., & Johnson, K., “Effectively Sharing Information with 100 counties,” The 9th National Child Welfare Data and Technology Conference (NRC-CWDT), July 2006.
- Kum, H.C., D. Duncan, K. Flair, and W. Wang, “Adopting IT for Effective Management of Social Welfare Programs,” Proc of the 4th National Conf on Digital Gov’t Res.(DGO 2004), May 2004.
- Kum, H.C., D. Duncan, K. Flair, “Management Assistance for Work First via a Dynamic Website,” Proc. of the 3rd Nat’l Conf. on Digital Government Research, May 2003.
- D. Duncan, K. Flair, R. Hallberg, H.C. Kum, and S. Marshall, “Bringing it to the Desktop: Assessing Welfare Reform Performance Over the Web,” Annual National Association for Welfare Research and Statistics Workshop and Conference (NAWRS), 2000.
Invited Articles, Letters, Talks, and Reports:
- Kum, H.C., Ahalt, S., and Carsey, T. “Dealing with Data: Governments Records,” Science. 10 June 2011: 1263.
- Kum, H.C. “Building a Secure Federated Government KDD Information System from the Bottom up for Child Welfare Practice, Policy, and Research,” Child Welfare 360 Degree: Child Welfare and Technology. Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare. 2011.
- Kum, H.C. “ApproxiMAP: Intelligent Sequential Pattern Mining via Alignment,” SAS 12th Annual Data Mining Conference. 2009.
- Duncan, D.F., Kum, H.C., Macomber J., Cuccaro-Alamin S., & Kuehn, D., “Coming of Age: Employment Outcomes for Youth Who Age Out of Foster Care Through Their Middle Twenties,” The 11th National Child Welfare Data and Technology Conference (NRC-CWDT), July 2008. Report published for Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE), US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through a sub-contract with the Urban Institute