- Moya, C., Huang, Z., Cheng, P., Jayaraman, A# and Hahn, J#. Investigation of IL-6 and IL-10 Signaling via Mathematical Modeling. IET Systems Biology. Accepted (2010). #: Joint corresponding authors
- Huang, Z., Moya, C., Jayaraman, A# and Hahn, J#. Using the Tet-On system to develop a procedure for extracting transcription factor activation dynamics. Molecular BioSystems. Accepted doi:10.1039/C003229H (2010). #: Joint corresponding authors
- Kim, J., Hegde, M. and Jayaraman, A. Microfluidic co-culture of epithelial cells and bacteria for investigating soluble signal-mediated interactions. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 38: pii: 1749.doi: 10.3791/1749 (2010).
- Englert, D. L., Manson, M. D. and Jayaraman, A. A microfluidic device for quantifying bacterial chemotaxis in stable concentration gradients. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 38: pii: 1779. doi: 10.3791/1779 (2010).
- Englert, D. L*., Manson, M. D. and Jayaraman, A. “A Microfluidic (µFlow) method for quantifying bacterial chemotaxis”. Nature Protocols. 5: 864-72 (2010).
- Englert, D. L*, Adase, C, Jayaraman, A. and Manson, M. D. “Repellent Taxis to Nickel Ion Requires Neither Ni2+ Transport nor the PeriplasmicNikA Binding Protein”. Journal of Bacteriology. 192: 2633-7 (2010).
- Bansal, T*., Alaniz, R., Wood, T. K. and Jayaraman, A. “The bacterial signal indole increasestransepithelial resistance and attenuates epithelial cell inflammation”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 107: 228-33 (2010).
- Kim, J*., Hegde, M*. and Jayaraman, A. “Co-culture of bacteria and epithelial cells for investigating signal-mediated interactions in the GI tract”. Lab Chip 10: 43-50 (2010). Featured article
- Huang, J. H., Kim, J., Agrawal, N., Sudarsan, A., Maxim, J., Jayaraman, A#. and Ugaz, V#. “Rapid fabrication of branched 3-D microvascular networks using electric discharge”. Advanced Materials 21: 1-5 (2009). #: Joint corresponding authors
- Hegde, M., Wood, T. K. and Jayaraman, A. “The neuroendocrine hormone norepinephrine increasesPseudomonas aeruginosa PA14 virulence through the las quorum sensing pathway”. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 84: 763-6 (2009).
- Newton, B., Russell, W. K., Russell, D. H., Ramaiah, S. K. and Jayaraman, A. “Liver proteome analysis in a rodent model of alcoholic steatosis”. Journal of Proteome Research. 8: 1663-71 (2009).
- Englert, D. L*., Jayaraman, A. and Manson, M. D. “Microfluidic techniques for the analysis of bacterial chemotaxis”. Methods in Molecular Biology. 571: 1-23 (2009).
- Wang, S., Chen, P. C., Berthiaume, F., Toner, M., Jayaraman, A. and Yarmush, M. L. “Dynamic effect of heat shock pre-treatment on apoptotic responses to TNF-α in liver cells”.Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 131: 071003(2009).
- Englert, D. L., Manson, M. D. and Jayaraman, A. “Using a microfluidic device to investigate interactions between signaling molecules on Escherichia coli chemotaxis”. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 75: 4557-64 (2009).
- Englert, D. L*.,Janakiraman, V., Jayaraman, A#. and Baskaran, H#. “Modeling growth and quorum sensing in biofilms grown in microfluidic chambers”. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 37: 1206-16 (2009). #: Joint corresponding authors
- Huang, Z., Senocak, F*., Jayaraman, A#. and Hahn, J#. “Integrated modeling and experimental approach for determining transcription factor profiles from fluorescent reporter data”. BMC Systems Biology. 2: 64 (2008). #: Joint corresponding authors. “Highly accessed”
- Lai, N., Jayaraman, A. Lee, K. “Vascular endothelial cell growth factor receptor-2 mediates synergistic proliferation and differentiation of adipocytes and endothelial cells in co-culture”. Tissue Engineering.Epub ahead of print. (2008).
- Jayaraman, A. and Wood, T. K. “Bacterial quorum sensing: Signals, circuits, and implications for biofilms and disease”. Annual Reviews of Biomedical Engineering. 10: 145-167 (2008). “Top 10 downloaded articles”
- Banerjee, A., Jayaraman, A., Russell, W. K. and Ramaiah, S. K. “Identification of proteins to predict the molecular basis for observed gender susceptibility in a rat model of alcoholic steatohepatitis by 2-D gel proteomics”. Proteomics. 8: 4327-37 (2008).
- Lee, J., Zhang, X. S., Hegde, M*., Bentley, W. E., Jayaraman, A. and Wood, T. K. “Indole cell signaling occurs primarily at low temperatures in Escherichia coli”. ISME Journal. 2: 1007-23 (2008).
- Jayaraman, A., Maguire, T, Vemula, M., Kwon, D. W., Vannucci, M., Berthiaume, F. and Yarmush, M. L. “Gene expression profiling of long-term changes in rat liver following burn injury”. Journal of Surgical Research. Epub ahead of press, Aug 28, 2008.
- Bansal, T*., Jesudhasan, P., Pillai, S, Wood, T. K. and Jayaraman, A. “Temporal regulation ofenterohemorrhagicEscherichia coli virulence mediated by autoinducer-2”. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology. 78: 811-9 (2008).
- Soni, K., Jesudhasan, P., Cepeda, M., Williams, B., Hume, M., Russell, W. K., Jayaraman, A. and Pillai, S. D. “Autoinducer-2 is involved in regulating a variety of cellular processes in Salmonellatyphimurium.” Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. 5: 147-53 (2008).
- King, K. R., Wang, S., Jayaraman, A., Yarmush, M. L. and Toner, M. “Microfluidic flow-encoded switching for parallel control of dynamic cellular microenvironments”. Lab Chip 8: 107-16 (2008).
- Bansal, T., Englert, D., Lee, J., Hegde, M., Wood, T. K. and Jayaraman, A. “Differential effects of epinephrine, norepinephrine, and indole on Escherichia coli O157:H7 chemotaxis, colonization, and gene expression”. Infection & Immunity. 75: 4597-607 (2007).
- Senocak, F., Si, Y., Lee, K. and Jayaraman, A. “Effect of forced uncoupling protein-1 expression on 3T3-L1 adipocyte gene expression”. FEBS Letters 581: 5865-71 (2007). “Cover article”
- Si, Y., Palani, S., Jayaraman, A. and Lee, K. “Effects of forced uncoupling protein 1 expression in 3T3-L1 cells on mitochondrial function and lipid metabolism”. Journal of Lipid Research 48: 826-36 (2007).
- Lee, J., Bansal, T., Jayaraman, A., Bentley, W. E. and Wood, T. K. “Enterhemorrhagic Escherichia coli biofilms are inhibited by 7-hydroxyindole and stimulated by isatin”. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73: 4100-9 (2007).
- Lee, J., Jayaraman, A. and Wood, T. K. “Indole is an inter-species signal mediated by SdiA”. BMC Microbiology 7: 42 (2007).
- Singh, A., Jayaraman, A. and Hahn, J. “A case study of representing signal transduction in liver cells as a feedback control problem”. Chemical Engineering Education. 41: 177-182 (2007).
- Y. Chu, A. Singh, A. Jayaraman, and J. Hahn, 2007. Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of IL-6 Signaling Pathways IEEE Trans Sys Biol. 1: 342-52 (2007).
- King, K. R., Wang, S., Jayaraman, A., Toner, M. and Yarmush, M. L. “A High-throughput Microfluidic Real-time Gene Expression Living Cell Array”. Lab-on-Chip 7: 77-85 (2007).
- Soni, K., Jesudhasan, P., Cepeda, M., Williams, B., Hume, M., Russell, W. K., Jayaraman, A. and Pillai, S. D. “Proteomic analysis to identify the role of LuxS/AI-2 mediated protein expression inEscherichia coli O157:H7”. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. 4: 463-71 (2007).
- Banta, S., Vemula, M., Yokoyoma, T., Jayaraman, A., Berthiaume, F. and Yarmush, M. L. “Contribution of gene expression to metabolic fluxes in hypermetabolic livers induced through burn injury and polymicrobial sepsis in rats”. Biotechnology & Bioengineering 97: 118-37. (2007).
- Singh, A, Jayaraman, A., and Hahn, J. “Modeling regulatory mechanisms in IL-6 signal transduction in hepatocytes”. Biotechnology & Bioengineering. 95: 850-62 (2006).
- Wieder, K. J., King, K. R., Thompson, D. M., Toner, M., Yarmush, M. L. and Jayaraman, A. “Optimization of reporter cells for expression profiling in a microfluidic device”. BiomedicalMicrodevices. 7: 213-22 (2005).
- Jayaraman, A., Roberts, K. A., Yoon, J., Yarmush, D. M., Duan, X., Lee, K. and Yarmush, M. L. ”Identification of neutrophilgelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) as a discriminant marker of thehepatocyte secreted protein response to IL-1β: a proteomic analysis,” Biotechnology Bioengineering.91: 502-15 (2005).
- Duan, X, Yarmush, D. M, Berthiaume, F, Jayaraman, A., and Yarmush, M. L. “Evaluation ofimmunoprecipitation-based depletion of albumin for two-dimensional gel separation of normal and inflamed mouse plasma”. Proteomics. 5: 3391-4000 (2005).
- Jayaraman, A, Roth, C.M. and Yarmush, M.L. “Comprehensive evaluation of an in vitro model of hepatic inflammatory response by gene expression profiling”. Tissue Engineering. 11: 50-63. (2005).
2000 – 2004
- Vemula, M., Berthiaume, F., Jayaraman, A., and Yarmush, M. L. “Expression profiling analysis of the metabolic and inflammatory changes following burn injury in rats”. Physiological Genomics. 18: 87-98. (2004).
- Thompson, D., Toner, M., Yarmush, M. L. and Jayaraman, A. “Dynamic gene expression profiling using a living cell array”. Analytical Chemistry.76: 4098-4103. (2004).
- Duan, X, Berthiaume, F, Yarmush, D. M, Jayaraman, A., and Yarmush, M. L. “A mouse serum two-dimensional gel map: Application to profiling burn injury and infection”. Electrophoresis. 25: 3055-3065. (2004).
- Duan, X., Yarmush, M. L., Jayaraman, A. and Yarmush M. L. “Dispensable role for interferon gamma in the acute phase response: A proteomics analysis”. Proteomics. 4: 1830-1839. (2004).
- Yarmush, M. L. and Jayaraman, A. “Advances in Proteomics Technologies”. Annual Reviews of Biomedical Engineering. 4: 349-373. (2002).
- Jayaraman, A., Yarmush, M. L. and Roth, C. M. “Molecular Bioengineering”. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 44:441-455. (2002).
- Jayaraman, A., Walton, S. P. and Roth, C. M. “Rational selection and quantitative evaluation of antisense oligonucleotides”. Biochimica Biophysica Acta.1520: 105-114 (2001).
- Jayaraman, A., Yarmush, M. L. and Roth, C. M. “Dynamics of gene expression in rat hepatocytes under stress”. Metabolic Engineering. 2: 239-251. (2000).
1992 – 1998
- Jayaraman, A., Duarte, D. D. and Wood, T. K. “Inhibition of anaerobic corrosion of copper and aluminum by protective bacterial biofilms”. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology. 52: 787-790. (1999).
- Jayaraman, A., Carson, R. M., Hallock, P. J, and Wood, T. K. “Inhibiting anaerobic corrosion of steel by excluding sulfate-reducing bacteria with in situ generated antimicrobials”. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology. 52: 267-275. (1999).
- Ismail, K. M., Jayaraman, A., Wood, T. K. and Earthman, J. C. “The Influence of Bacteria on the Passive Film Stability of 304 Stainless Steel”. Electrochimica Acta. 44: 4685-4692. (1999).
- Jayaraman, A., Duarte, D. D, Lee, C-C., Chen, M. W, Mansfeld, F, and Wood, T. K. “Cloning the antimicrobial peptides indolicidin and bactenecin to inhibit sulfate-reducing bacteria on stainless steel”.Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology. 22: 167-175. (1999).
- Jayaraman, A., Sun, A. K., Earthman, J. C. and Wood, T. K. “Characterization of axenic P. fragi andE. coli biofilms that inhibit corrosion of SAE 1018 steel”. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 84: 485 – 492. (1998).
- Jayaraman, A., Earthman, J. C. and Wood, T. K. “Corrosion inhibition of SAE 1018 steel by aerobic biofilms”. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 47: 62-68. (1997).
- Jayaraman, A., Cheng, E T., Earthman, J. C. and Wood, T. K. “Importance of biofilm formation for corrosion inhibition of SAE 1018 steel by axenic aerobic biofilms” Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. 18: 396-401. (1997).
- Jayaraman, A., Cheng, E T., Earthman, J. C. and Wood, T. K. “Axenic aerobic biofilms inhibit corrosion of SAE 1018 steel through oxygen depletion”. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 48: 11-17. (1997).
- Jayaraman, A., DeBernardez, E. and Goldberg, E. B. “Thermal unfolding of bacteriophage T4 short tail fibers”. Biotechnology Progress. 13: 837 – 843. (1997).
- Kumar, R. A., Jayaraman, A., Lakshmanan, M. and Gunasekaran, P. G. “Bioconversion of gallic acid into pyrogallol by immobilized Citrobacter freundii TB3”. Journal of Fermentation and Bioengineering74:159-162 (1992).